At least 161 veterans have their remains interred or are commemorated in St. Luke's Cemetery. Please open and view the list here or below (updated June 29, 2024) to check if your relative's name is on the list. Clicking on the More Information link at the end of each line will take you to other information we have on that veteran such as a link to their attestation paper or other information.

If you would like to add the name of a relative or friend who is a veteran whose name isn't on the list or send further information about the veteran, please contact Barb Prescott by e-mail, or St. Luke's Office by e-mail, or phone 250-477-6741. We are happy to receive further information to add to our records.

Services of Remembrance
The 2023 Service of Remembrance was held on Sunday, November 5th. A recording of the livestreamed service is available at this link. Pictures from the 2023 Service of Remembrance can be found with the News posting.

The 2022 Service of Remembrance was held on Sunday, November 6th at 10 am. A recording of the livestreamed service is available at this link. Pictures from the 2022 Service of Remembrance are included with the News posting.

In 2021, the Service of Remembrance was held on Sunday, November 7th. The recorded service is available at this link. Also, please see the News posting of the 2021 Service of Remembrance.

The 2020 Service of Remembrance was held on Sunday, November 8th. Because of COVID precautions, we were limited to having less than 50 people attend the service. During this service, the Rev. Daniel Fournier read a shorter version of the list of veterans than in previous years. See the News posting regarding the 2020 time of remembrance in St. Luke's Cemetery.

Services of Remembrance to honour veterans were also held on November 6, 2016, November 5, 2017, and November 10, 2019. Pictures from the 2017 Service of Remembrance are posted at this link and from the 2019 Service of Remembrance at this link.