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The week started with a Service of Remembrance on Sunday, November 8th to honour the veterans resting in St. Luke's cemetery. This was a smaller version of the services we have held in past years as we can only have a total of 50 people attending so we weren't able to invite the community this year. 

On Tuesday, November 10th, students from a grade 4 class at Doncaster School visited and placed their painted poppy rocks on 25 of the veterans' graves, and heard some stories of the veterans they were honouring. See the pictures above of some of the lovely painted rocks on the veterans' graves. 

On Remembrance Day, it was wonderful to see the community come to the cemetery, to honour the veterans and remember their sacrifices. A group of friends (through Scouts) showed their respect by helping to tidy up the cemetery, holding a short ceremony at 11:00, and then listening to a few stories. In spite of the cold, wet day, several families came to place painted rocks and flowers on the veterans' graves.