Worship reconnects your spirit.
We worship because it is a faithful response to a generous God. Through worship, we reconnect our spirits to the source of our being and are enlivened to be engaged in Jesus’ mission in the world. Sometimes, in the midst of worship, we have a powerful glimpse of our God who is greater than any of our concepts and yet is closer than our own heartbeat. You can enjoy a recording of each Sunday’s 10:00 am worship service HERE.
Sunday, 8:00 am: A quiet contemplative Holy Communion service from the Book of Common Prayer (BCP), using the traditional form which Anglicans have used for almost 500 years.
Sunday, 10:00 am: A contemporary service with music and Holy Eucharistic, based on the Book of Alternative Services (BAS). People of all ages will be nurtured by the prayers, preaching, and music of this service.
Thursday, 10:30 am: A quiet contemplative and intimate Holy Communion service. Come for mid-week spiritual uplift.
Have questions about Worship at St. Luke’s or want to become involved? We would like to hear from you. Please contact us at: worship@stlukecedarhill.ca.