The Shelbourne Community Kitchen is again accepting non-perishable food donations from individuals and organizations. Donations from individuals will be gratefully accepted at the Shelbourne Community Kitchen (3541 Shelbourne St.) on Wednesdays and Fridays from 10 am-2 pm.
We will also have a basket for donations to the Shelbourne Community Kitchen in the hall so that your donation can be left there. Once a basketful of donations has been collected, we will drop the donations off to the Kitchen. While you are at the office, you can drop off any Vivo Knife stamps you have as those will be used to buy knives for the Kitchen. More information about the Vivo Knife Program is at this link.
Download the Food Donations Guidelines below for suggestions regarding food donations.
The most in demand items presently are:
1. Canned or dried beans and lentils
2. Canned fruit or vegetables
3. Canned meat and/or fish
4. Menstrual supplies (Unopened in original packaging)
5. Small containers of nut butter
Monetary support is also greatly appreciated. To make a tax receiptable donation, please note on your cheque payable to St. Luke’s or your envelope that your donation is for the Shelbourne Community Kitchen.