This fundraiser is no longer available. You are still welcome to order online from Level Ground but the fundraising program with money back to St. Luke's has now finished.

You are invited to take part in this fundraising program when you buy coffee, tea, and dried through Level Ground Trading. To find out more about the Level Ground Trading story, visit their website or watch their videos.

When you order online at Level Ground Trading, St. Luke's will receive 15%.

ONLINE ORDERING IS EASY! Visit Shop at Level Ground

Please be sure to use the code StLuke at checkout to ensure the 15% comes to St. Luke's.

The minimum order is $40 for the 15% return to St. Luke's and this includes free shipping. Level Ground not only sells coffee but also tea and dried fruit, cane sugar, and cacao nibs which may help with the $40 minimum purchase amount required. Or share an order with a friend to reach the $40 minimum.

Click on the images below to take you to the pages with those items and place your order.

Please be sure to use the code StLuke at checkout to ensure the 15% comes to St. Luke's.


Level Ground Tea

Level Ground Dried Fruit