We have chosen a World of Gifts Project through the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund as our Christmas Stocking Project.
We started our Christmas Stocking Project on the First Sunday of Advent (December 1st) and it will continue to Christmas Day. Our project will be buying goats for families in Kenya, who are food insecure and with little or no income. Goats improve nutrition with their protein-rich milk or meat, which can also be sold to increase income.
You are invited to drop your gold coins (Loonies or Toonies) into the Christmas stocking at the back of the church or to put a special donation into the collection plate labelled “Goats Project”. Money designated in the collection or collected in the stocking from now to Christmas Day will be sent to the PWRDF to buy goats for families in Kenya.
Each of our gifts of $100 will provide a Galla goat for a family in need.