Please read the information here from Daniel and from the Diocese.
The following is a policy that I have asked to be in place concerning our current practices of gathering for worship, fellowship, and meeting together. This policy is based on information gathered through our diocese, as well as from advice given by the Ecclesiastical Province of BC and the Yukon. This policy will stand during this time of heightened concern due to the COVID19 pandemic, and will be updated as more information is ascertained.
Upon entering the church you are asked to please use the hand sanitizer and tissue provided. Please discard tissues in the garbage. As a general practice, wash hands frequently, sneeze and cough into your elbow sleeve; avoid touching your face with your hands; and please avoid attending church if you are feeling sick.
At the time of the Exchange of the Peace, please do not shake hands, but simply acknowledge by word and a nod or slight bow.
For the time being, communion will be offered to the congregation in the form of bread alone. This may seem like a more extreme action, but it is the best policy for safety of all, especially considering that many of our parishioners fall into a higher risk category.
Liturgical assistants, clergy, and sidespeople must exercise vigilance in hand washing and sanitization before the service, and immediately prior to the distribution of communion. It is important to remember that communion by bread alone, or wine alone, or both, constitutes a full and efficacious reception of the sacrament. Liturgical assistants and clergy must be careful in the distribution of bread, no hand to hand contact. Those administrating the bread must thoroughly wash hands and sanitize before and after the distribution of communion.
After church coffee hour/fellowship is suspended until further notice. No gatherings involving food. Only eat food you have prepared yourself - for yourself. No sharing of food.
People who are vulnerable, have compromised immunity, are feeling sick, or are uncertain about their current health should stay at home.
A note about hygiene and cleanliness, please help to keep surfaces, tables, doorknobs, phones, keyboards, anything that is touched clean and sanitized. Observe some distance between yourself and the next person when gathered together for worship or other events.
At this time we will need volunteers to help with phoning, being in contact and communicating with parishioners to keep them in touch and connected to parish life using whatever way or method we can to stay connected as a parish family.
In all of these calls to keep safe during this COVID19 crisis, please remember that these measures are temporary, not permanent, until this situation passes.
For the most current information and for everything you need to know about the virus, how it spreads, and how to keep yourself safe, go to BC Centre for Disease Control.