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St. Luke's Cemetery has been fortunate to receive four markers for the unmarked graves of veterans through the Last Post Fund.

The Last Post Unmarked Grave Program is available to eligible veterans whose grave does not have a permanent headstone or foot marker. The Last Post Fund is supported financially by Veterans Affairs Canada and by private donations. Read more about The Last Post Fund Unmarked Grave Program HERE.

We received markers for:
James Stewart Simpson in 2018
Constance Pell Thompson in 2020
Jack Halston in 2020
and John Stanley Priest in 2021

Read the story HERE of how the marker for James Steward Simpson came about.

A volunteer at St. Luke's applied for markers for Constance Pell Thompson and Jack Halston, while the marker for John Stanley Priest was requested by Kyle Scott.

Read Kyle Scott's story HERE and HERE. An excerpt included below from the Old Cemeteries Society Stone Cuttings May-June 2023 Newsletter ( provides further details of Kyle's story.

We are presently applying for markers for John Carman and Hector Thurburn.