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The bulletin for the 10 am service for March 9 is posted below.

To read or download bulletins from previous weeks, click here to go to the Bulletins page.

THIS WEEK’S PARISH NEWS – March 9 – March 16 (**New Items, *Revised Items) 

Please stay for Coffee Time this Sunday after the 10 am service – Park on Synod Road for easy access via the side door of the hall. If you can help with the coffee set up in these first months of 2025, please let Barb Felsing know. 

*Sacred Frontiers – A spiritual exploration/faith formation group for teens and their parents; adults considering baptism and/or confirmation; anyone who wants to be welcomed into St. Luke’s from another denomination; anyone who would like to formally renew their baptismal commitment; anyone who has faith questions; anyone who wants to deepen their faith outside of Sunday morning. The group will meet weekly starting today Sunday, March 9th (the first Sunday in Lent) and will end on Pentecost Sunday, June 8th, with a celebration of baptism and reaffirmation and welcome. The group will meet in the church from 1:00 to 2:30 pm. See more information at the News page.

*This month's Reflections, our Sunday service at dusk, is today, March 9th at 4:30 pm, and will feature cellist, Elena Antontceva, originally from Russia. After graduating from the Far East Academy of Arts in Vladivostok, she worked at the Symphony Orchestra as both musician and soloist of the Philharmonic for 25 years in her home city. She had a chance to work as a professor at the University of Art in Vladivostok, teaching young students how to play cello professionally. She participated in international festivals in China, Japan and Korea. She moved to Canada three years ago and continues to perform here. The readings, prayers, and music of this special Reflection Time will calm your spirit and soothe your soul. The next Reflections services in 2025 are on May 11th and June 8th. There won’t be a Reflections service in April. The services in May and June will be at 7:00 pm.

**New Livestream Delivery Partner – Since the beginning of February, we have been partnering with St. Paul, Nanaimo for our livestreaming because the Diocese is no longer hosting parish livestreams on their Vimeo licence. The only difference from the way we were previously livestreaming is the name and logo on the account. Currently the Vimeo channel itself shows as St. Paul's with the individual livestreams labeled as either St. Luke's or St. Paul's. The logo is their name and emblem next to ours. While the starting screen doesn’t look the same as before, everything still works exactly as it did before - and partnering this way saves us money!

**Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper March 4th Update –Thank you to everyone who worked in the kitchen to cook and serve the sausages and pancakes and helped with the setup and cleanup. It was good to be able to share this meal with our friends from Church of the Cross. Thanks as well to everyone who made donations at the Pancake Supper. We received $273.50 in donations, which will be used to cover the cost of the food.

**St. Luke’s Players Present “Out of Sight…Out of Murder”, written by Fred Carmichael and directed by Geoff Davidson. Peter Knight is grinding out a murder story in an old mansion where another author was murdered years before. A weird electrical storm causes a cosmic snafu, and his characters come to life. Evenings at 7:30 pm, Wednesday-Saturday, March 12-15, 20-22. Matinees at 2:00 pm, Saturday and Sunday, March 15, 16, 22, and 23. Tickets can be purchased from: Eventbrite; The Papery at 734 Fort St.; or at the door. They are $18 each (plus their service fee if purchased through Eventbrite). See more information at the Events page.

**Complimentary Tickets for “Out of Sight…Out of Murder” If you would like a pair of complimentary tickets for Friday, March 14th at 7:30 pm, please put your name and phone number in the basket at the back of the church. The winning tickets will be drawn after the Reflections service on Sunday afternoon. The Players have given us 4 pairs of tickets to give away.

**Prescription Deadline Friday, March 28th is the deadline for submissions for the Easter issue of St. Luke's Prescription. Please send along your articles, photos, poems, and other creative endeavours to Neil in St. Luke’s Office ( or to Barb Prescott (

**Partial Year Tax Receipts for 2025 The government of Canada is allowing for charitable donations through February 28, 2025 to be counted for either 2024 or 2025. If you wish to have a partial year tax receipt issued to cover this period so it can be filed with your 2024 taxes, please contact Neil in the church office or send an e-mail to Otherwise, you will receive a receipt for all of 2025, early in 2026!

Save the Dates for this Year’s Amazing Journey Day Camp – July 7th – 11th in the mornings, 9 am to noon. St. Luke's joins with Church of the Cross each summer for a week-long day camp hosted at one of the churches. This year's camp will be at St. Luke’s. If you have children, grandchildren, or friends with children ages 4 through 11, please consider reserving this week for them to participate in the day camp. Children born January 1, 2014 to June 30, 2021 are eligible to be campers. We will also be looking for Middle School students to be Leaders in Training and High School students to be Small Group Leaders. Questions? Please talk to Tara Poilievre, Sharon Hallsor, or Barb Prescott. 

St. Luke’s Is On InstagramDid you know that St. Luke’s is now on Instagram? Thanks to Sahar Saeidbakhsh for setting up Instagram for us. You’ll find the Instagram link in the top right corner of the home page of our website or at this link. Please follow St. Luke’s on Instagram.

Karren Stinson Bursary for Lutherans and Anglicans based in Western Canada – Application Deadline: March 31st, 2025 – The Karren Stinson Bursary Fund celebrates the life of a parish worker at Lutheran Church of the Cross, the late Karren Louise Stinson. The purpose of this Bursary Fund is to give financial assistance to Lutherans and Anglicans based in Western Canada who are currently involved in post-secondary education leading to a vocation of service. We invite applications for this year’s bursary of $1000.  To apply for the 2025 Karren Stinson Bursary, please visit the News page and carefully follow the instructions given. The Bursary is scheduled to be awarded in the late spring of 2025.