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The bulletin for the 10 am service for September 22nd is posted below.

To read or download bulletins from previous weeks, click here to go to the Bulletins page.

THIS WEEK’S PARISH NEWS – September 22 – September 29 (**New Items, *Revised Items)

**Thank you to Sean Tiernay for leading the service and Tara Poilievre for reading the sermon this morning while Daniel takes some well-deserved holiday time.

Please stay for Coffee Time this Sunday after the 10 am service – Park on Synod Road for easy access via the side door of the hall.

*Help Wanted” for Sunday Morning Coffee Times including baking, set up, and clean up. Volunteers have a choice to just set up or clean up or both. Baking is always welcome and thoroughly enjoyed at Coffee Time. Our Coffee Times after the 10 am services have become very popular and we can only continue if we have enough volunteers. If you can help, please email Heather Simpson, Rector’s Warden ( or chat with her on Sunday. Dates are from the beginning of October to the end of December.

*The Deadline was last Friday, September 20th, for the Fall issue of St. Luke's Prescription but we always allow a few days grace. If you haven’t already sent in your articles, photos, poems, and other creative endeavours to Barb Prescott, or to, please send them in the next few days.

*It's Time to Order Church Calendars for 2025 – Please phone (250-477-6741) or email the parish office (admin@ to reserve your copy (or copies) of the 2025 church calendar. We will be ordering the Canadian Church calendar and the Anglican Church calendar. Both types of calendars will be $10 each. Please pay for your calendar when you pick it up. The Canadian Church Calendar has the glossy photos of churches and is produced by the Anglican Church of Canada. The Anglican Church calendar has the watercolours of Anglican churches, is produced by St. Peter Publications, and includes the calendar information in accordance with the BCP. When you phone or e-mail the office, please let Neil know which calendar you are ordering. The deadline to place your order is tomorrow, Monday, September 23rd.

Save The Date – A Farewell Gathering for Pastor Lyle will be held on Tuesday, September 24th from 2:30 – 4:30 pm at Lutheran Church of the Cross. This will be a time on honour Pastor Lyle McKenzie at Church of the Cross as he starts his time of retirement. St. Luke's parishioners are invited to this community gathering.

*Donations in your Special Purpose Envelopes – Unfortunately, 2024 so far has been a very expensive year for our buildings. To date we have spent around $20,000 more on our buildings than we had budgeted for this part of the year. The expenses have been for safety reasons, not cosmetic repairs. Expenses have included replacing the rotten deck at South Island Centre ($3,600), replacing the stage floor - asbestos tiles were breaking ($4,100 less $2,000 paid by the Players), repairing the cottage bathroom ($5,000), putting windows in the Sunday School rooms in the church ($800), repairing the dishwasher ($1,800), new faucets for the kitchen and a new toilet for the preschool washroom ($800), repairing the heat pump at South Island ($4,900 less $2,000 paid by South Island Centre), and repainting the kitchen – the paint was flaking off ($3,200). If you are able to make an additional donation in your Special Purpose Envelope (above your regular donations) to help cover these unexpected expenses, your donation would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your donations so far in September, which now total $3,000.

**Country Grocer Save A Tape Program Update – We have now collected another set of receipts, totalling $5,000, and will receive another $50 gift card, bringing our total to date to $650 in gift cards, which have been sold to parishioners. Well done, everyone! Please continue to collect your Country Grocer receipts and turn them in to Neil in the Church Office, put them in an envelope in the mail slot, or in the Country Grocer box in the narthex.

**Our first Fantastic Friday this fall will be Friday, October 4th from 4:30 to 6:30 pm in St. Luke’s Hall. Invite your friends, neighbours, children, and grandchildren to join in the fun and find out why these Fridays are fantastic! Dinner is included. Fantastic Fridays are usually on the first Friday of the month. However, the November Fantastic Friday will be on November 8th. For more information or to offer to help (always greatly appreciated!), please talk to Tara Poilievre, Barb Prescott, Sharon Hallsor, or Claire White.

**Blessing of the Animals Service Sunday, October 6th at 2:30 pm This will be a short service (about 30 minutes long) in the church with a blessing of the animals at the end. You may also bring a picture of a pet (living or deceased) so that the pet can be blessed or remembered. Please invite your friends and their pets to come to this service with you.

Mark Your CalendarsThis year’s Celebration Sunday and Celebration of St. Luke’s Patronal Festival will be on October 27th. Watch for more information to come about this special event. Note that there will not be an 8 am service that Sunday.

**Save the Date for St. Luke’s Christmas Bazaar, Saturday November 23rd from 10 am – 2 pm. Now is the time to think of items you could make for the sale, such as craft items, jams and jellies, or baking which could be frozen. Thank you in advance for your help with this exciting fundraiser and community event.