Volunteers are needed to make soup and cookies to support Anglican Campus Spirituality at UVic.
Wine Before Supper - The Anglican Campus Ministry at UVic offers an ecumenical Communion service once a month on Wednesday evenings. These services provide a contemplative practice of opening to Christ Consciousness through silence, Taizé chanting, meditation, and communion. They offer an opportunity for students to pause in the middle of the week for a half-hour of peace and soul food.
SOUP for “Wine Before Supper” - Anglican Campus Ministry offers Wine Before Supper once per month at the Interfaith Chapel on UVic's campus. Following the service, a free supper is provided for all who attend. We are in need of volunteers to make a pot of soup for the program for Wednesday evenings. The soup should be vegan and gluten free to accommodate most dietary restrictions. The program begins at 5pm, with dinner at around 5:30pm. The soup can be dropped off anytime before the start of the program on Wednesday. Please e-mail the Rev. Ruth Dantzer to be added to the roster.
The UVic Pet Cafe - The Pet Cafe is an opportunity for students to make friends and to connect with therapy animals, while enjoying coffee/tea and cookies. The Pet Café will resume September 18th and will happen at UVic’s Interfaith Chapel, Wednesdays from 2:30-4pm.
COOKIES ARE NEEDED for the Pet Café - The cookies can be homemade or store-bought. They should be peanut free and be dropped off at the Interfaith Chapel sometime before the program begins on Wednesday. Please let Ruth know how many cookies you are willing to donate and how often (most volunteers commit to once per month).
If you are interested in helping Anglican Campus Spirituality at UVic in these ways, please email the Rev. Ruth Dantzer to get on the roster.
See poster below for more information or to print a copy to post or share.