One of the most treasured experiences for us at St. Luke's, and for those who have a relationship with this church near and far, is our annual celebration of our special Christmas services. A particular joy has been the Christingle service on Christmas Eve at 4 pm.
We have all been looking forward to this event this year, even with a limited attendance of 50 percent capacity. As you are all aware, the Omicron variant of the COVID-19 virus and its extreme ability to spread quickly has caused us to reassess the risks for this beloved Christingle service.
Sadly, we have had to make the difficult decision to cancel the 4 pm service. We apologize for this news coming on the day before the service. This decision has not been taken lightly and has, as its guiding principle, the safety of all who would have been in attendance. Thank you for your understanding.
I pray God's blessing on each of you and pray that you will all have a safe and Merry Christmas.
In Peace,
The Rev. Daniel Fournier
Please note registration is now closed for the Christmas Eve services but drop-in spaces are available for the 10 am service on Christmas Day.
The 7 pm Christmas Eve service and the 10 am Christmas Day service will be livestreamed (click here for the link) and recorded.