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The bulletin for the 10 am service for October 20th is posted below.

To read or download bulletins from previous weeks, click here to go to the Bulletins page.

THIS WEEK’S PARISH NEWS – October 20 – October 27 (**New Items, *Revised Items)

Please stay for Coffee Time this Sunday after the 10 am service – Park on Synod Road for easy access via the side door of the hall.

**The Parish Office will be closed on Monday, October 14th, for Thankgiving. The office will open on Tuesday, October 15th, at 9 am.

*October Reflections ServiceTODAY, October 20th at 4:30 pm. The October Reflections will feature organist, Nicolas Kilhoffer who will be playing music by J.S. Bach, Louis Vierne, and Camille Saint-Saëns. Nicolas started playing the pipe organ at age 10 and graduated with highest honours from the Strasbourg Conservatory in 2024. He has performed pipe organ concerts in France, USA, Australia and Kenya and is currently an exchange student at UVic in the business program. The each month's Reflections will features music along with poems and prayers. Enjoy music in the beautiful candlelit ambiance of St. Luke's in the late afternoon.

**A Fall Cemetery Cleanup is planned for Saturday, October 26th from 9:30 to 11:30 am. Please come and help tidy the cemetery for the winter. Many hands make light work!

*NEXT SUNDAY, October 27th will be St. Luke’s Celebration Sunday – A special service at 10 am will be followed by a catered lunch. This is our opportunity to gather for a time of joyful celebration. Please note that there will not be an 8 am service next Sunday.

**A Big Thank You from the Shelbourne Community Kitchen for the Thanksgiving food donations they received from St. Luke's. Our donations totalled 211 pounds of food for the Kitchen Pantry Program. Tyler, the Shelbourne Community Kitchen Pantry Coordinator, says, “We were grateful to receive this generous donation!" The church looked beautiful with all of the food donations as well as the Thanksgiving flowers. Thanks to everyone for bringing food items to the church, to the Altar Guild for decorating the church and displaying the produce so beautifully, and to Ray Lett and Rick Saville for delivering the food items to The Kitchen.

**St. Luke’s Book of SaintsDuring Sunday services in November, we will be reading names of our saints who have passed away in the last 5 years. If you have names you would like added to the list, please add their name on the sheet at the back of the church.

*Donations in your Special Purpose Envelopes – Unfortunately, 2024 so far has been a very expensive year for our buildings. To date we have spent around $20,000 more on our buildings than we had budgeted for this part of the year. The expenses have been for safety reasons, not cosmetic repairs. Expenses have included replacing the rotten deck at South Island Centre ($3,600), replacing the stage floor - asbestos tiles were breaking ($4,100 less $2,000 paid by the Players), repairing the cottage bathroom ($5,000), putting windows in the Sunday School rooms in the church ($800), repairing the dishwasher ($1,800), new faucets for the kitchen and a new toilet for the preschool washroom ($800), repairing the heat pump at South Island ($4,900 less $2,000 paid by South Island Centre), and repainting the kitchen – the paint was flaking off ($3,200). If you are able to make an additional donation in your Special Purpose Envelope (above your regular donations) to help cover these unexpected expenses, your donation would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your donations from September 1st to date, which now total $3,875.

*St. Luke’s Players Present “Jury Room”, a drama by C.B. Gilford, directed by Jacqollyne Keith. Twelve jurors gather to decide the fate of a lovely, young girl. Did she stab her uncle in cold blood? Eleven jurors say yes. The last performance is Sunday at 2:00 pm.  Tickets can be purchased from: Eventbrite; The Papery at 734 Fort St.; or at the door. They are $18 each (plus their service fee if purchased through Eventbrite). See more information at the Events page.

**Silent Movie Live Organ Accompaniment – Watch internationally-acclaimed organist David Briggs on two huge screens at Christ Church Catheral as he put his impressive organ improvisation skills to the test accompanying the 1931 classic silent film Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. Saturday, 26 October at 7:30 pm at Christ Church Cathdral. Tickets are $25 ($10 for students) are available via Eventbrite or at the door.

The Compassionate Resource Warehouse Needs: Sewing notions (buttons, measuring tape, pins, needles, thread, trims, elastic, sewing scissors, Velcro, needle threaders, thimbles, small tins), crochet cotton, knitting wool, and embroidery supplies (embroidery kits, cloth, floss, hoops, large embroidery needles). If you have extras of these items, please bring them to the church or the church office. A basket for these items is at the back of the church. Their bins are empty of these items and they have requests for these supplies for their next couple of loads. Thank you for helping!

Help Wanted” for Sunday Morning Coffee Times including baking, set up, and clean up. Volunteers have a choice to just set up or clean up or both. Baking is always welcome and thoroughly enjoyed at Coffee Time. Our Coffee Times after the 10 am services have become very popular and we can only continue if we have enough volunteers. If you can help, please email Heather Simpson, Rector’s Warden ( or chat with her on Sunday. Dates are from the beginning of October to the end of December.

Save the Date for St. Luke’s Christmas Bazaar, Saturday November 23rd from 10 am – 2 pm. Now is the time to think of items you could make for the sale, such as craft items, jams and jellies, or baking which could be frozen. Thank you in advance for your help with this exciting fundraiser and community event.

**Extra Parking Space Needed - Seeking an extra parking space to park a classic car over the winter. Do you have an extra parking spot in your driveway or parking garage? Happy to make a donation to St. Luke’s in exchange for the use of a parking spot. Please contact Sean Tiernay via the Church Office.